I have been LOVING the Studio Calico kit, Yearbook. It's full of stuff I would have never picked out for myself, but flows beautifully, and I made my record for most pages--think it's eight, but I've lost count.
Without further ado:
The layout below is about my love of readings and books. The photo was taken in the Yale library (on the last post as well!). I loved the photo and was just waiting for its perfect match in a layout topic, which came to me in a sudden epiphany.

Next up is the layout about my cruise with Steve on my birthday. It began very badly--we barely made it in time, Steve's water bottle spilled all over his clothing while he ran to get on the boat, there were many tourists, and the tour leader kept mentioning various tragedies such as September 11 and the Buffalo plane crash. Needless to say, it was not the romantic rendezvous I was anticipating. I did spend a minute or two bewailing my fate---"It's my
birthday and this isn't romantic
at alll!"--but luckily (for Steve:) ) we found a spot on the top deck in time for sunset and enjoyed the evening after all. But for those of you considering the Circle Line cruise: You've been warned.

Now this is a two-pager, which I have become increasingly less adept at, but I have to say I like it. May not win a design award, but I love the colors and the photos and the memories (well, the ones that happened after I stopped crying).
Next one is based on a post I wrote on a message board, about what I'm happy about today. Scrapped it about a month after I wrote it, but better late than never! I love how it came out--very cheerful. Although I want to mist on it. Even though I don't have mist. Which clearly means I need to buy some!

More to come soon!