Reading this book

(And finally going to the dentist after putting it off for over a year, and getting increasingly love-lorn "where ARE you?" phone calls from the dentist. Can you tell I have a bit of a phobia here?)
Admiring the cuteness of this munchkin
Making some big decisions (more on that later)
Going to the doctor with my main guy and little lady (sadly, it was for some shots)
And taking some new family photos
I've been very lucky that S gets five WEEKS (five weeks! y'all!) of paternity leave, so he is at home with Ellie while I go back to work for now. It's made the transition so much smoother, and I love that he is really getting to know her well!
Life is a little too busy for my tastes right now, but full of good things. I'm pondering what plans I want to make for the future, and what commitments I want to let go of for now. Is anyone else terribly bad at saying "no" or even "not now" to things?
How do YOU balance those decisions in life?