In the interests of full disclosure, this photo was taken a few weeks ago, but the image is pretty similar right now.
My new discovery of the day is that corn syrup + peanut butter = pots that are IMPOSSIBLE to clean. I just gave up and will bat my eyelashes at the hubby instead.
I have a few items I can't share yet, but this is a new page:

This page documents a particularly weird experience I had--when a camper of mine (9 years old at the time) begged to sleep in a cardboard box. We allowed her to, and then she started a whole rebellion among the children in the bunk who all wanted to sleep in boxes.
So, so weird.
She was a strange bird in other ways--she hated boys and made signs saying "Antie-boy" that she carried with her everywhere. And whenever a boy happened to get hit with a flyaway kickball or something, she would glare at them and venomously hiss, "That happened to you because you're a boy."
Again--summer camp = lots of weirdness.
But so funny!
Have any of you been camp counselors in the past?