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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Our 2013 in Review!!

Well, it's a little bit into the new year, but I figured there was still time for a 2013 recap! This was one heck of a year!

In JANUARY, we...

Enjoyed our 11 month old baby girl:)

Bought E her first pair of shoes!

And took a family photo at the RV show (a weird, but fun outing--trust me!)

Then, in FEBRUARY, we....

Celebrated baby girl's first birthday!!

I took a fun cupcake decorating class:)

And we enjoyed a good friend's wedding!

Come MARCH, we....

Celebrated the holiday of Purim with our little baby ice cream cone:)

I made some shoe-tastic cupcakes for a friend's wedding shower...

And we road-tripped to see friends in Baltimore!

In APRIL, we....

Admired our sweet girl:)

I met some friends for a girl's day and we indulged in some heavenly Mac & Cheese balls at Noi Due (my favorite NYC restaurant!)

And I took a photoshoot for my friends!

And in MAY, we....

Had a fun surprise!! Baby #2 was on the way!

Had some spring photoshoots with the little lady...

And baked some pies!

And that's the first part of our 2013!! Part 2 is coming soon!

What was YOUR favorite part of 2013?


  1. Lovely. The ice cream cone costume is the best!

  2. Fun, great way to review the year.
    I think my fav part of 2013 was our family camping trip.

  3. Great pics Keshet. My favourite part of 2013 was finding out I was pregnant - but my favourite part of 2014 will definitely be having her!!

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